Chocolate Sundae Pie.

Weezie’s Chocolate Sundae Pie

1 cup evaporated milk
½ cup water
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
3 egg yolks
½ cup granulated sugar
1/8  teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon gelatin
3 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 egg whites beaten stiff
1 cup sweetened whipped cream
¼ cup grated unsweetened chocolate
1 baked pie shell

Heat milk and water in double boiler with nutmeg.
Beat egg yolks, sugar and salt until light.
Pour hot milk over the egg mixture returning to double boiler and cook until the consistency of thick cream.
Remove from fire, add gelatin which has been soaked 5 minutes in cold water and vanilla and cool.
When cool and ready to set, fold in beaten egg whites.
Pour into baked pie shell.
Set in refrigerator.
When cold and set cover with whipped cream and grate on chocolate.


The sublime and the ridiculous

On Tuesday I attended the California Women’s Conference promoted to inspire us (women) to be “The Architects of Change.” I saw speeches or interviews or panels with First Lady Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, Laura Bush, Maria Shriver, the governor, the candidates for governor, Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and O’Connor, Judy Woodruff (a personal hero), Brian Williams (another favorite), the head of Starbucks, the head of Nike, Nick Kristof, Erin Brokovich, Billie Jean King, Eve Ensler, Chef Paula Deen, and many many more “luminaries.”

With good luck, I had a wonderful seat to view all of these presentations. But I can’t say that the speeches and the interviews were for me the most important part. What will stay with me is the content and artistry of a video by the Girl Effect Foundation. I won’t try to describe it. By watching you will understand ( The other powerful piece for me was the story of Colombian journalist, Claudia Julieta Duque, and her courageous fight for human rights.

In addition to the speeches and break out sessions there was an enormous hall filled with hundreds of booths. There were booths by every imaginable product and service, and all were giving away some little trinket or food treat. My friend and I had great fun roaming through the aisles and collecting goodies in a big bag we were given at the entrance of the hall. It was like trick-or-treating for grown up ladies.

I loved the range of exhibitors: from Barbie to vegan nutrition bars, from face-lift methods to meditation tapes, from aromatherapy to lip gloss from an oil company (how appropriate). On reflection, that’s one of the things I most liked about the whole event  -- the space and acceptance for the range of appearance and endeavors that was represented. Ladies in fancy outfits with too much collagen in their lips and others in sensible shoes and no makeup. It was like the theme of a lot of my writing -- the quest to find the balance between our vanities and our deepest values.

Was I inspired to be an architect of change? – Yes, I guess so. Based on the samples I have changed my brand of hand lotion, hair conditioner and energy bar. And based on the heartfelt and personal story of a young Colombian journalist I have continued the gradual change that is part of my own growth – to constantly be grateful for the safety and comfort of my own life and to do more to insure greater safety and comfort in the lives of other human beings – women and men.


RURAL MYTHOLOGY (no urban myths here)

Rural Mythology

            The web has over 470,00 citations related to urban myths. You can go to many of them and find out that some wild story you've heard is in fact bogus.  But the ones on rural mythology deal more with literary matters and information about Norse gods, not crazy stories from the heartland.  So I had no place to go to prove to my husband that I hadn't completely made up one of the classic myths of my childhood. I had to rely upon another source -- actual people, rural people.
            "Don't cross your eyes because if someone comes up and hits you in the back of the head they will get stuck that way".  When you're little the thought of people lurking around waiting to find someone with crossed eyes so they can make it permanent doesn't strike you as illogical. So, last summer at a 4th of July party, with my husband near by, I asked and sure enough, every one at the table back in my rural homeland had heard that one.
            Then they began to offer other ones they had heard. Mostly passed along by older siblings and often created by older siblings.  One woman shared that her older five siblings convinced the "little ones" that if you planted rabbit poops the Easter bunny would grow there. So the "little ones" did and watched every day for a fuzzy tail or floppy ear to emerge from their bunny beds.
            My older brothers created more havoc with their mythology. One told me that if you picked a mole you would die. So as I scratched my little arm one day in the first grade, off came a mole and I went into a complete panic. I couldn't tell the puzzled nun why, but I insisted that I was very sick and they should call my mother right away. I didn't want to die without her.  I also couldn't tell the nun why, because even at 6 I knew that there was a small chance that this, like the other 500 crazy things my brothers had told me, was not true. My mother came
and I don't even remember what happened after that. She probably explained things quietly to me and not so quietly to my older brother.
Some rural myth is regional and some familial and some just crazy stuff older kids make up to control the little ones. One from my oldest brother kept me out of his room. According to him there was something called white lead that he used with his oil paints and if you breathed it, it would dissolve your liver. As with much mythology there was a grain of truth in it, but to a 6-year-old it was gospel. And so when I even got near his room I held my breath and washed any skin that might have touched anything near his room.
Then one evening as my mother made divinity candy, I took a drink from a little glass, set it down and it foamed. Not realizing that this had been used to measure egg whites for the candy, I was certain I'd been poisoned and went into a panic (yes-another one). This time my mom, who was a nurse, thought that I was going into shock. So they rushed me to the doctor for a shot of something to knock me out.  My brothers no doubt got another "explanation". And I grew up to become a child psychologist.
Lots of rural mythology had to do with health and the workings of the body. We didn't have as many sidewalks to worry about as our urban cousins, but even we heard, "Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back". Certain members of the community were excellent at predicting the weather by the feeling in their joints. But usually we heard about their predictions after the weather event occurred, "Yup, I knew it was going to rain, my elbow was acting up."
I grew up with four older brothers and remember many dinners at which my father told the boys that eating the skins from the baked potatoes would "grow hair on their chest". Even as a little one I understood that this was a metaphor for being strong and healthy, yet I never developed a taste for potato skins.
My mother had her own brand of mythology. Some also had to do with health and appearance. But a lot of hers turned out to have more than a grain of
truth.  She said that she thought she didn't have wrinkles because she didn't hold grudges. Notably, she lived to be 90 with a sweet, smooth face. She consciously tried to maintain a pleasant expression and with that pleasant expression often went the pleasant response, "That's nice."  When my mother went on automatic pilot mentally, it was comforting the way she continued to say "that's nice" to information she could no longer process.
            I'm afraid I have absorbed and passed on to my children some of this mythology. Not the part about crossed eyes, stepping on cracks or picking moles. But they have had to listen to my encouragement of a pleasant expression and positive response. They tease me about it now, but someday when I go on automatic pilot mentally, they will be glad that my smile and my pleasant response are also automatic. 

Day One 10/10/10

I've written for many publications over the years. The checks are nice. Seeing my name in print is nice. But knowing that I have touched someone, helped someone or simply amused someone has been the best part of my writing career. The URL for this blog includes sogoodwithwords, because this phrase is what prompted my  career as a writer. It's the phrase colleagues would say as they asked for help turning their thoughts into words. As a psychologist, people I was counseling would often respond to a clarifying comment with, "That's just what I was feeling but couldn't come up with the words."

One other possible title for the blog was "Into Words", because this process of putting something into words often brings new understanding. Another title was "Found in Translation, but a bit of research suggested I might be getting lots of queries about Greek into Latin and the like. So to avoid confusion I went with the phrase, "So good with words." It was the root of my work as a writer and I'll try to live up to it.

Future postings will include the web addresses for previously published articles and some yet to be published pieces.

Below is the address of just one. It's one of the only times an editor kept my title, Childhood, the abridged version.

Until then, Cheers.