I’ve been doing the blog for just one year. I’m still very new at this endeavor and still in awe of the potential scope of contacts possible. My biggest audience is of course in the United States, but I’m surprised by the size of my readership in Russia and Malaysia. How does this happen? I will probably never know, but will continue to enjoy this unexpected outcome. I’ve become intrigued by the statistics available that let me know where the readers are from and what source they used to find the blog.
As of yet I haven’t figured out how to place a title next to the date a post was published. This will be my task for the second year and will make it easier to find articles.
It’s a little challenging to decide what to post. It’s great to give previously published pieces a new audience and to see how many are shared by readers. The new works posted are sometimes not quite right to submit for publication elsewhere or I become impatient and just want them ”out there.” Sometimes they are essays in response to a readers question or comment.
It’s been a year of milestones. I retired, our son graduated from college (but not from our comfortable nest) and I had a “significant” birthday.
I love it when readers post comments and even more when they put the website on their Facebook pages. In this second year I might end my rebellion and join Facebook and may even finally get a cell phone.
Cheers, Susan