

Guest Commentary: Little 'fathers' can have a gigantic impact on little lives

By Dr. Susan DeMersseman, Oakland Tribune My Word © 2014 Bay Area News Group
UPDATED:   06/10/2014 02:36:52 PM PDT

There are many fortunate youngsters who have a father in their lives. One who is available and able to provide the support and guidance that is part of that role. There are other children whose fathers are either unavailable or unable to provide that support.
For years I worked in a community where the presence of a father in the family was not the norm.
For reasons of health, incarceration or economics, many children did not have the luxury of that guidance and attention. This role was sometimes filled by others. Pastors, coaches, teachers, mothers and grandparents have often stepped in to fill the role. But in other families, big brothers served that role with amazing love and maturity.
I have watched with admiration as big brothers escort little siblings to school. In the morning, you can see them checking the little ones' backpacks, adjusting their jackets and then going off to their own middle schools or high schools. I've watched them pick the younger ones up after school and walk them home, often holding a tiny hand regardless of who could see.
These little fathers have risked appearing uncool, as they pass through their neighborhood with younger ones in tow. Some do it with such a sense of responsibility and dignity that they rise above any peer judgment. They may even inspire more admiration than they realize.
In stores, I've watched them hold and take care of the little ones while their mothers took care of the shopping. At home, these big brothers may be combing hair and fixing breakfast while mom works an early shift. At some schools, older siblings serve as translators to help the parents in teacher meetings and other communications with the schools.
These young men must correct, encourage and even dry the tears of little ones. They may not always have done it with perfect patience, but they have done it.
When Father's Day comes around, when those younger siblings are grown enough to appreciate the gift, I hope they will thank that brother for being a little father. Since it might be a long time before those little siblings recognize the gift, I hope there are those in the community who will acknowledge in some way the contribution these young men have made in their families and in the larger community.
While these little fathers are taking care of their responsibilities, it may seem as if they don't have a choice. It may seem that it is just what they are supposed to do, but often what we are supposed to do is also something very special.
So to those little fathers, many of us see you and we know how important you are even if you don't, and so we wish you a happy Father's Day.
Susan DeMersseman has spent more than 30 years as a psychologist in the Oakland schools. She is a resident of Berkeley.

Father's Day for Big Brothers

 Big Brothers, Little Fathers,
There are many fortunate youngsters who have a father available and able to provide the support and guidance that is part of that role. There are other children whose fathers are either unavailable or unable to provide that support.
For years I worked in a community where the presence of a father in the family was not common. For reasons of health, incarceration or economics many children did not have the luxury of that guidance. This role was sometimes filled in part by pastors, coaches, teachers and grandparents. But in other families, big brothers served that role with amazing love and maturity.
 I have watched with admiration as big brothers escort little siblings to school, checking their backpacks, adjusting their jackets and then going off to their middle schools. I’ve watched them pick the younger ones up from school and walk them home, often holding the tiny hands. These little fathers have risked appearing uncool, as they pass through their neighborhood with younger ones in tow. Some do it with such a sense of responsibility and dignity that they rise above any peer judgment
In stores I’ve watched them hold and take care of the little ones while Mom took care of the shopping. At home these big brothers may be combing hair and fixing breakfast while Mom works an early shift. At some schools older siblings serve as translators to help the parents in teacher meetings
These young men must correct, encourage and even dry the tears of little ones. When Father’s Day comes around, when those younger siblings are grown enough to appreciate the gift, I hope they will thank that brother for being a little father. These young men have made a huge difference in the lives of their siblings. It may have seemed that it was just what they were supposed to do, but often what we are supposed to do is also something very special. So to those many little fathers, “Happy Father’s Day.”

Father's Wisdom

        A few years ago I had a story in a book edited by the late Tim Russert. The book, Wisdom of Our Fathers,  allowed me to write about one of the most precious things a parent can give -- unconditional love. My Dad did not approve of everything we did, but we never doubted his love.  He didn't brag about us to others or push us into activities or accomplishments that would make him look good. But privately, we knew that he thought we were the best. My original title for the piece was, "My Father Would Have Loved My Children." My father did not live to see my little tan children, but I know he would have loved them, not just because of who they are, but because of who he was.